Urban Decay Recognized for their Animal Friendly Policies

urban-decay3On February 4, 2009, Peta2, the youth subdivision the world's largest animal rights organization, announced the winners for the 2008 Libby Awards. The awards nominated the top companies, brands, and public personalities that are dedicated to helping animals. Among the winners named, The popular makeup brand Urban Decay was listed as the "Best Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Company." Earlier in 2008, Urban Decay also received a Best Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Line award from Peta (Peta2's parent company) for the 2008 Proggy Awards. Urban Decay prides themselves on their animal friendly policies. In their philosophy statement they even state "no little animals are hurt (We DON'T do animal testing. How could anyone?)" Even their brushes are made of the highest quality synthetic fabrics, no animal hairs used! Among other winners were musician Pink, named "Person of the Year," California Pizza Kitchen, for "Most Vegan-Friendly Restaurant Chain" and Ghiradelli, "Best Vegan Chocolate" for their Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips. Congratulations to all the other winners of the 2008 Libby Awards!

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